Setting the tone

How do you set your self apart in a world stacked with endless options? Setting the tone by establishing proven principles that we know work and that our clients have come to rely on and trust is our foundation for success. We didn't reinvent the wheel but we help you keep it turning, better and smoother.

How do you set your self apart in a world stacked with endless options? Setting the tone by establishing proven principles that we know work and that our clients have come to rely on and trust is our foundation for success. We didn't reinvent the wheel but we help you keep it turning, better and smoother.

A real team always by your side

Think of us as your IT department, but also think of us a real human team. We don't operate from a script. We are not robots. We believe that human interaction provides for a  better customer experience.

Another set of eyes

Sometimes it helps to have a neutral party give another opinion. We often advise our clients in the decision making process whether it is about a new IT budget, a new technology strategy or business expansion. 

No Expensive Labor Costs

We completely understand the financial demands on any business, small or large. With our fixed support option you will always know what to budget for and there will never be any negative surprises. 

Experience that can't be googled

Yes we know, almost everything can be googled today and sometimes we do it too. But we gained our expertise and knowledge before googling became a verb in the dictionary. We trust our experience an we hope you do too.

Support that never sleeps

Our 24/7 support is a cornerstone of our services. While not all our clients need weekend or after hours support we are still working around the clock to make sure your systems are running as they should.

No Long Term Contracts

We have many long term clients and never felt the need to enter into long term contracts. Experience has taught us that if everybody is happy and there is nothing broken to be fixed no ink on paper would make a difference. Our work speaks for itself.

values we believe in

We strongly believe a strong synergy between us and our clients is the key in a great relationship. This begins and ends with important common values we share with all of our customers.


There are no footnotes or difficult to understand clauses in our agreements. It will always be our responsibility to deliver everything that we have promised and making you feel the value we bring. No excuses.


We listen to understand our clients' needs and preferences. The ability to take note and analyze how our clients' demands are changing as well as understanding the overall strategy of your business is key for us to be able to contribute to your success.


We deliver our services to our clients 52 weeks a year without fail. When you need us we are there. When you might think you don't need us we are still there to ensure everything runs smoothly in the background.


We will always be upfront when we believe your security may be compromised or when we run into a complex issue that we don't have an immediate answer to.


"Careful and persistent work or effort" . This description perfectly  defines our work ethic. Like a bulldog that doesn't let go, we don't let go until we have worked out the problem and found the solution.


Our experience is our knowledge. With a combined experience of more than 35 years in the field we have seen, heard and done a lot and there is no greater knowledge to draw from than the confidence and wisdom from our past translated into the now and the future.